CBSE Class 12 science: The Solenoid and Toroid Videos | The Solenoid and Toroid - Part 1
The Solenoid and Toroid - Part 1
This video analyses the application of Ampere's law to a solenoid.
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- How net current on a toroid is zero???
- What is self inductance ?
- Derive the formula for self inductance of a solenoid ?
- What is mutual induction?
- A toroid coil has 1000 turns and diameter of 30 cm with the area of cross section of 2 cm2. Calculate i) inductance of coil ii) induced e.m.f when the a current of 2 A is reversed in 0.03 secs.
- What is the unit of Self Inductance? Define.
- What is the length of a solenoid with total number of turns 1000, area of cross section 20 cm2 and self inductance of 4.02 × 10-3 H.
- If the current of 8 A in the primary circuit is reduced to 0 at a uniform rate in 10-2 secs. What is the induced e.m.f when the coefficient of mutual inductance is 4H?
- On what factors does the coefficient of mutual induction depends?