CBSE Class 12 science: Electrical Appliances Videos | Applications of Kirchhoff's Rule - Part 1
Applications of Kirchhoff's Rule - Part 1
This video explains the working and applications of wheatstone bridge and meter bridge.
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- Why can we not use rubber to make electric wires?
- Why do we prefer a potentiometer of longer length for getting the accurate readings?
- What do you mean by sensitivity of potentiometer? How can we increase the sensitivity of potentiometer?
- A potentiometer wire is 5 m long and a potential difference of 6 V is maintained between its ends. Find the emf of a cell which balances against a length of 180 cm of the potentiometer wire.
- The potential gradient along the length of uniform wire is 20 Vm-1. The length of wire is 1m. What is the potential difference across two points on the wire separated by distance 40 cm?
- State the uses of potentiometer