CBSE Class 11 science: Translocation, Symplastic and Apoplastic Pathways Videos | Diffusion and Mass Flow System
Diffusion and Mass Flow System
This video explains the need for mass or bulk flow system of transport in plants.
More videos from this chapter
View All- What is translocation?
- In which region of the plant, the apoplast is absent?
- Name the plant which establishes a symbiotic relationship with mycorrhizae.
- Name the two pathways by which water is moved when absorbed by the roots.
- What is apoplast?
- Differentiate between symplast and apoplast.
- Explain the movement of water by apoplast and symplast in roots to reach vascular bundles.
- Represent diagrammatically the pathways of water movement in roots.
- Show diagrammatically symplastic and apoplastic pathways for ion and water movement in the root hair cells.
Study the given diagram and answer the following questions.
Draw the same diagram and show the apoplast pathway in the diagram. Label A, B, C, D and E. Name the substance present in E.