ICSE Class 10 Answered
WHy do people living at high altitudes have high no.of RBC's?
Asked by pb_ckt | 15 Feb, 2019, 12:14: PM
As we move from low altitude to high altitude, the air starts getting thinner and thinner. The partial pressure of oxygen starts decreasing with increasing altitude. Now, since the partial pressure of oxygen is less in our lungs, the binding of oxygen to haemoglobin in RBCs also decreases. As a result, there is decreased oxygen supply to the tissues thereby starving them of oxygen. This situation leads to the release of the hormone erythropoietin from the kidneys, which stimulates the bone marrow to increase the production of RBCs.
Answered by Sheetal Kolte | 15 Feb, 2019, 14:41: PM
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ICSE 10 - Biology
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ICSE 10 - Biology
Asked by pb_ckt | 15 Feb, 2019, 12:14: PM
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