CBSE Class 10 Answered
When white light passing through prism it split into seven colours but when light passing through glass slab it can't split into seven colours why?
Asked by shikhakumari2162 | 01 Dec, 2019, 19:01: PM
Glass is a surface object and prism is an dimensional object which has interior angles...hence when light passes through a prism it gets dispersed. If a prism and an invertedly placed prism kept together , we get white light. This is called recombination of light. In a glass slab, the edges where the refraction of light takes place are PARALLEL to each other, thus all the seven colours of the light are refracted by the same amount and by the same angle at both the surfaces. But in a glass prism, the two surfaces where refraction takes place are NOT PARALLEL to each all the colours of the light are refracted by different amounts and by different angles...the violet colour being refracted the most and red colour being refracted the least.
Answered by Shiwani Sawant | 01 Dec, 2019, 20:10: PM
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