CBSE Class 12-science Answered
Two urns contains 1 white,6 red and 4 white,3 red balls. One of t 3 he urn is selected at random and a ball is drawn from it. Find: (1) The probability of drawing a red ball. (ii) The probability of drawing the ball from the first urn if b all drawn is red.
Asked by babitdevi283 | 14 Nov, 2023, 21:42: PM
Let P(U1) = 1/2 be the probability of urn-I is selected to draw the ball,
Let P(U2 ) = 1/2 be the probability of urn-II is selected to draw the ball .
Probability of selecting red ball from urn-I is , P(R | U1 ) = 6/7 ;
Probability of selecting red ball from urn-2 is , P(R | U2 ) = 3/7 ;
Probability of selecting red ball from any one of urn = P(U1 ) P ( R | U1 ) + P(U2 ) P ( R | U2 )
Probability of selecting red ball from any one of urn = (1/2) (6/7) + (1/2)(3/7) = 9/14
By Baye's theorem , if selected ball is Red and the probability that this red ball is selected from urn-II is

Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 17 Nov, 2023, 23:04: PM
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