CBSE Class 9 Answered
All birds have wings then why Bird like peacock cannot fly
Asked by deepali.09deshmukh | 13 Sep, 2019, 19:41: PM
- Peacocks are long adapted to be ground birds that feed mainly on the ground and many can effectively escape from danger on foot.
- They are also often primarily forest birds and since they are largely active on ground, flying is not always an effective way to escape from danger.
- Therefore, they are generally evolved to have shorter and rounder wings, which are less powerful in flight.
- They are also often much larger and heavier than other birds which made it tough for them to fly fast as well.
Answered by Sheetal Kolte | 14 Sep, 2019, 20:32: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
What is the difference between the heart structure of cold blooded animals and warm blooded animlas?
Asked by is00331 | 24 Apr, 2021, 20:24: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by nikhilshukla.464 | 14 Dec, 2020, 23:18: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by Prachi9.gangrade | 09 Feb, 2020, 21:44: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by deepali.09deshmukh | 17 Sep, 2019, 19:00: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by deepali.09deshmukh | 13 Sep, 2019, 19:41: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by abhagupta7880 | 17 Feb, 2019, 10:23: AM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by anvithachoudary10 | 17 Aug, 2018, 10:48: AM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by Topperlearning User | 09 May, 2016, 07:24: AM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by Topperlearning User | 04 Jun, 2014, 13:23: PM
CBSE 9 - Biology
Asked by Topperlearning User | 04 Jun, 2014, 13:23: PM