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Class 9 FRANK Solutions Biology Chapter 10: Respiration in Plants

Now, get the best online preparation materials for your exams such as Frank Solutions for ICSE Class 9 Biology Chapter 10 Respiration in Plants at TopperLearning. Learn to write about the respiration process in plants by revisiting concepts like anaerobic respiration, glycolysis, photosynthesis and more. Also, understand the concept of alcoholic fermentation.

In this chapter, the Frank textbook solutions will support you with answers for ICSE Class 9 Biology MCQs, True or False questions and more. The chapter will also help you in learning the difference between combustion and respiration. To increase your marks, additional exam preparation materials like online practice tests, videos and more are also available on our portal.

Respiration in Plants Exercise 87

Solution 1

Solution 2

Solution 3

Solution 4

Yes, respiration is the reverse of photosynthesis.

Solution 5

(i) - (b) nutrients are oxidized without using molecular oxygen by the process of fermentation.
(ii) - (c) is the best organic substrate for respiration.
(iii) - (a) partial breakdown of food substance.
(iv) - (e) the series of change from glucose to pyruvic acid in respiration.
(v) - (d) the intermediate substance in the breakdown of glucose.

Respiration in Plants Exercise 88

Solution 6

Solution 7

(a) Anaerobic
(b) Glycolysis
(c) Pyruvic acid
(d) Oxygen
(e) Cytoplasm

Solution 9

(a) To show that heat is evolved during respiration
(b) In flask A, moist seeds respire and produce heat that increases the temperature.
(c) If formalin was not used, bacteria will grow on the dry seeds and respire anaerobically to produce a little heat.

Solution 8

(a) False
(b) False
(c) False
(d) False
(e) False

Respiration in Plants Exercise 89

Solution 10

glucose ATP

Solution 11

Solution 12

(a) To absorb carbon dioxide produced during respiration
(b) If these are not soaked in disinfectant, the bacterial growth may be there in the tube Y and accurate result may not be obtained due to bacterial respiration.
(c) The germinating peas respire and oxygen is used which create a vacuum in the tube. So coloured water has risen in tube1.
(d) Respiration
(e) It is defined as the stepwise oxidation of glucose in the living cells to release energy.

Solution 13

(a) mitochondria
(b) Fermentation

Solution 14

Solution 15

Solution 16

(a) Respires
(b) Day and night
(c) Aerobic respiration
(d) Rises
(e) Controlled manner

Respiration in Plants Exercise 90

Solution 17

(a) Respiration
(b) ATP
(c) Aerobic respiration
(d) Anaerobic respiration
(e) Caustic potash and KOH
(f) Lime water
(g) Carbon dioxide and water
(h) Ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide

Solution 18

(i) (c) Glucose is converted to carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy.
(ii) (d) Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, electron transfer
(iii) (c) Energy is left in alcohol.
(iv) (d) To accept hydrogen and form water.
(v) (b) CO2 and alcohol
(vi) (c) mitochondria
(vii) (b) Hens Krebs
(viii) (d) fermentation
(ix) (b) ATP
(x) (c) ATP
(xi) (b) Two
(xii) (a) In cytoplasm
(xiii) (c) 673 Kcal