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Reaching the Age of Adolescence Worksheet

Objective Type Questions

  1. Arrange the given stages of the menstrual cycle in the correct order.
    Breakdown of the uterine wall if pregnancy does not occur
    Thickening of the uterine wall
    Maturation of the egg
    Release of the egg from the ovary

  2. Match the terms in column A with appropriate terms in column B.

  3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word from those given in the brackets.
    (oestrogen, pituitary, thyroid, endocrine, hormones, secondary sexual characters, testosterone, thyroxine)
    (a) The features which help to distinguish the male from the female during puberty are called ……………………
    (b) The changes which occur at adolescence are controlled by ……………………
    (c) Hormones are chemical substances secreted by the …………………… glands.
    (d) The production of sex hormones is under the control of another hormone secreted by the …………………… gland.
    (e) At puberty, males secrete the hormone …………………… while the females secrete the hormone …………………….
  4. Rewrite the given statements by changing the underlined word only.
    (a) The transformation of the larva into an adult through drastic changes is called moulting.
    (b) Metamorphosis in frogs is controlled by the hormone insulin.
    (c) Production of thyroxine by the thyroid gland requires the presence of calcium.
    (d) Meat is a balanced food by itself.
    (e) A regular diet includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins in requisite proportions.

    Multiple Choice Questions

  5. When Rajesh turned 13 years old, he observed certain sudden changes in his body. He noticed that he had grown a hairy line above the lips. His voice had become deep, and he had grown tall in just a year’s gap.
    What do these changes collectively constitute? At what age do these changes begin and end respectively?
    (a) Adolescence; begins at the age of 9 and ends at the age of 14
    (b) Growth; begins at the age of 9 and ends at the age of 14
    (c) Adolescence; begins at the age of 11 and ends at the age of 18
    (d) Growth; begins at the age of 11 and ends at the age of 18

  6. Which of the following is not true about adolescence and puberty?
    (a) Adolescents are also called teenagers.
    (b) In girls, adolescence may begin a year or two later than in boys.
    (c) The period of adolescence varies from person to person.
    (d) Puberty ends when an adolescent reaches reproductive maturity.

  7. Radhika listed few changes which occur during puberty.

    Which of the above changes will Radhika observe in her when she attains reproductive maturity?
    (a) I, II and III
    (b) II and IV
    (c) I and V
    (d) III, IV and V

  8. Which secondary sexual characteristic in females during puberty is correctly matched with the hormone which controls it?
    (a) Testosterone - Formation of ovaries
    (b) Oestrogen - Maturation of ova
    (c) Adrenaline - Development of milk secreting glands
    (d) Thyroxine - Release of milk from the breasts

  9. During puberty, hormones are secreted from the endocrine glands. Which secondary sexual characteristic is likely to develop when testosterone is released in males at puberty?
    (a)High pitched voice
    (b)Development of Adam’s apple
    (c)Enlargement of hip bones
    (d)Growth of hair on head

  10. Kinanka wanted to experience the ride on a giant wheel. When he sat in the giant wheel for first time, he began to feel stressed. When he reached the top and saw the ground below, he got scared, his heartbeat increased, and he began to sweat. Which hormone is responsible for bringing about this change?

  11. The table describes the reproductive phase in three females (X, Y, and Z) of different ages.

    A stop in the process of release of unfertilised egg from the ovary at this age.The beginning of the process of release of unfertilised egg from the ovary at this age.The release of unfertilised egg from the uterus once in a month.
    Which phases X, Y and Z represent respectively?
    (a) X - Menopause, Y - Menstruation, Z - Menarche
    (b) X - Menstruation, Y - Menarche, Z - Menopause
    (c) X - Menarche, Y - Menopause, Z - Menstruation
    (d) X - Menopause, Y - Menarche, Z - Menstruation

  12. The image shows some nutritious food items.

    Which food item will fulfil the need of iron at the time of adolescence in a body?
    (a) Leafy vegetables
    (b) Cereals
    (c) Milk
    (d) Nuts

    Subjective Questions

  13. Given below are few changes which occur at puberty. Sort these changes as to those which occur in boys and those which occur in girls respectively.

  14. Priya had a very soft and smooth skin during her childhood. As she entered adolescence, she developed pimples on her face. Can you explain the reasons for the appearance of pimples on her face? Suggest ways to prevent them.

  15. How do hormones initiate reproductive function in the body at the time of puberty?

  16. Gunjan says that the reproductive life of a woman lasts from menarche to menopause. Is she right? Explain your answer.

  17. AIDS is caused by a dangerous virus, HIV. How does this virus spread from an infected person to a normal person?

    Case-Based Questions

  18. Endocrine glands secrete hormones which regulate the changes occurring in the body. Given below is a diagram of the endocrine system in males. Observe the figure carefully and answer the questions based on it.

    a) Which of the following glands is correctly matched?

    (a) PituitaryThyroidAdrenalPancreas Testes
    (b) ThyroidAdrenalPancreasTestesPituitary
    (c) PituitaryThyroidPancreasAdrenalTestes
    (d) ThyroidPituitaryPancreasTestesAdrenal

    b) Which of the following secretes the hormone thyroxine?
    (a) (i)
    (b) (ii)
    (c) (iii)
    (d) (iv)

    c) Which of the following secretes hormone which controls salt balance in the blood?
    (a) (i)
    (b) (ii)
    (c) (iii)
    (d) (iv)

    d) Insufficient secretion of insulin causes a condition called
    (a) Goitre
    (b) Diabetes
    (c) Blood pressure|
    (d) Dwarfism 

  19. Chromosomes are present inside the nucleus of every cell. All human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nuclei of their cells. A female has two X chromosomes, while a male has one X and one Y chromosome. Observe the figure carefully and answer the questions based on it.

    a) The instructions for determining the sex of the baby are present in thread-like structures called …………………….. present in the nucleus of the cell.

    b) Which of the following correctly represents the chromosomes found in human male?
    (a) 23 pairs; 1 X and 1 Y sex chromosome
    (b) 23 pairs; 2 X sex chromosomes
    (c) 22 pairs; 1 X and 1 Y sex chromosome
    (d) 22 pairs; 2 X sex chromosomes

    c) Based on the image, when will a female child be born?
    (a) When an egg with X chromosome fuses with a sperm with X chromosome.
    (b) When an egg with Y chromosome fuses with a sperm with Y chromosome.
    (c) When an egg with Y chromosome fuses with a sperm with X chromosome.
    (d) When an egg with X chromosome fuses with a sperm with Y chromosome.

    d) What would likely be the gender of a child if a sperm having X chromosome fertilizes an egg?
    (a) A girl, as the unfertilized egg has one X chromosome.
    (b) A girl, as the unfertilized egg has one Y chromosome.
    (c) A boy, as the unfertilized egg has one X chromosome.
    (d) A boy, as the unfertilized egg has one Y chromosome.

    Assertion-Reasoning Questions

    Below questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: 

  20. Assertion (A): Menstruation occurs if fertilisation of the ovum by the sperm does not occur.
    Reason (R): Menstruation occurs twice in about 28 to 30 days.

  21. Assertion (A): In our country, the legal age for marriage is 18 years for girls and 21 years for boys.
    Reason (R): Teenage mothers are not prepared mentally or physically for motherhood.

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