CBSE Class 12 science: Refraction and Dispersion by Prism Videos | Refraction and Dispersion by Prism - Part 2
Refraction and Dispersion by Prism - Part 2
This video shows consequences of dispersion and establishes mathematical base for terms related to a prism.
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Ray optics
- Show that the angle of deviation will be minimum when a light ray passes through a prism symmetrically.
- What is a prism?
- What is the difference in refraction through a prism and refraction through a glass slab?
- Calculate the deviation produced by a prism of angle 8 degree, for a material of refractive index 1.5.
- Define dispersion.
- What causes the phenomenon of dispersion?
- Can we combine two prism? If yes what is the purpose?
- Calculate the angular dispersion produced by a prism of angle 6 degree, if the refractive indices of material of prism for blue and green colours are 1.664 and 1.655.
- Define dispersive power and derive its formula.