ICSE Class 7 Answered
what is the use of 0
Asked by mangadoddiswarnalatha | 31 Jan, 2024, 07:16: AM
This is a very creative question, and there may not be a fixed, definite answer to it.
There are many important facts about the number '0' in mathematics.
First of all, '0' represents a whole number; it is neither positive nor negative.
Zero is also considered an integer, and without zero, we cannot have tens, hundreds, thousands, or millions.
Zeros also play an important role in decimals.
When we multiply a number with '0', the result becomes 0.
Example: 5 x 0 = 0
When we add 0 to a number, the sum is the number itself.
Example: 2 + 0 = 2
When 0 is divided by a number, the resulting number is 0
When a number is divided by 0, the result is not defined
Answered by | 31 Jan, 2024, 11:12: AM
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