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NEET Class neet Answered

Steps taken by government of India to control air pollution include (a) compulsory PUC (pollution under control) certificate of petrol driven vehicles which test for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon  (b) permission to use only pure diesel with a maximum of 500 PPM Sulphur as fuel for vehicles  (c) use of non polluting compressed natural gas CNG only as fuel by buses and trucks  (d) compulsory mixing of 20% ethyl alcohol with petrol and 20% biodiesel with diesel 
Asked by ishitajain639 | 26 Jul, 2020, 09:36: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
Government of India have taken many steps to control air pollution. Out of which one includes compulsory PUC (Pollution Under Control), certification of petrol driven vehicles, which test for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons emissions of the vehicles.
Answered by Sheetal Kolte | 26 Jul, 2020, 20:05: PM