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ICSE Class 10 Answered

Q. 22
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Asked by Rayeesa | 10 Apr, 2018, 07:26: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
begin mathsize 14px style 7 to the power of straight x plus 1 end exponent plus 7 to the power of 1 minus straight x end exponent equals 50
rightwards double arrow 7 to the power of straight x.7 plus 7.7 to the power of negative straight x end exponent equals 50
Let space 7 to the power of straight x equals straight y
rightwards double arrow 7 straight y plus 7 over straight y equals 50
rightwards double arrow 7 straight y squared minus 50 straight y plus 7 equals 0
rightwards double arrow 7 straight y squared minus 49 straight y minus straight y plus 7 equals 0
rightwards double arrow 7 straight y left parenthesis straight y minus 7 right parenthesis minus 1 left parenthesis straight y minus 7 right parenthesis equals 0
rightwards double arrow left parenthesis straight y minus 7 right parenthesis left parenthesis 7 straight y minus 1 right parenthesis equals 0
rightwards double arrow straight y equals 7 space or space straight y equals 1 over 7
rightwards double arrow 7 to the power of straight x equals 7 space or space 7 to the power of straight x equals 1 over 7
rightwards double arrow straight x equals 1 space or space straight x equals negative 1 end style
Answered by Rashmi Khot | 10 Apr, 2018, 09:18: AM
ICSE 10 - Maths
Asked by Rayeesa | 10 Apr, 2018, 07:30: AM
ICSE 10 - Maths
Asked by Rayeesa | 10 Apr, 2018, 07:26: AM
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