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CBSE Class 11-commerce Answered

Marks.                                   More than 0 More than 10 More than 20 More than 30 More than 40 More than 50 No.of students  50 46 40 20 10 3 Find mean by direct method   
Asked by Rajulsampat5 | 23 Feb, 2020, 17:05: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Marks.                          No. of students        

More than 0                   50

More than 10                  46

More than 20                 40 

More than 30                  20

More than 40                 10

More than 50                 3

The above table can be written as

begin mathsize 16px style straight x with bar on top equals fraction numerator begin display style stack sum straight f with straight i below end style straight x over denominator sum straight f end fraction equals 1440 over 50 equals 28.8 end style

Answered by Sneha shidid | 24 Feb, 2020, 10:07: AM
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