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CBSE Class 8 Answered

i have to debate on the topic 'ambition brings grief.' I am for the motion . please give me information along with examples from history.
Asked by Apoorva | 03 Aug, 2015, 05:51: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Some examples that you can use in order to support your point of view are:

1-    The ambition of King Ashoka led to the Kalinga War. The extensive carnage and bloodshed made him rethink his own actions. Were his political ambitions worth the lives of so many innocents? His grief was profound. According to the legends, he was so remorseful that he shunned weapons and war altogether. He embraced Buddhism which preached the tenets of peace and nonviolence.

2-    The World War I and II happened as a result of the political ambitions of certain nations. World War II saw some of the most horrific atrocities humans can unleash on their own kind. The genocide of Jews and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are examples of how human ambitions are blind to the suffering of the innocent.

3-    Even in our nation, communal and sectarian politicians have incited people against each other. In order to gain vote banks, they play divisive politics. Our nation has witnessed many such instances in the past. Even religious bigots have manipulated the public to turn one against the other.

Answered by Sandhya Raghavan | 04 Aug, 2015, 01:39: PM
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