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ICSE Class 10 Answered

If cosec theta . cos( theta + 54) = 1, find the value of theta so that theta and (theta + 54) are acute angles.
Asked by bdroy_2014 | 16 Feb, 2018, 19:54: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
begin mathsize 16px style cosec space straight theta space cos space left parenthesis straight theta plus 54 degree right parenthesis equals 1
rightwards double arrow cos left square bracket 90 minus space left parenthesis 36 degree minus straight theta right parenthesis right square bracket equals 1 over cosecθ
rightwards double arrow sin space left parenthesis 36 degree minus straight theta right parenthesis equals sin space straight theta
rightwards double arrow 36 degree minus straight theta equals straight theta
rightwards double arrow 2 straight theta equals 36 degree
rightwards double arrow straight theta equals 18 degree
rightwards double arrow straight theta plus 54 degree equals 18 degree plus 54 degree equals 72 degree end style
Answered by Rashmi Khot | 17 Feb, 2018, 21:06: PM
ICSE 10 - Maths
Asked by bdroy_2014 | 16 Feb, 2018, 19:54: PM
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