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CBSE Class 12-science Answered

How much pressure should increase when volume is decreased by 5 percentage
Asked by rushana9877 | 18 Jun, 2020, 20:38: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
Information about temperature is not given, so i am assuming that it is constant.
In this case, it will follow Boyle's law-Pressure is inversely propotional to volume.
Temperature space is space constant.
straight P subscript 1 straight V subscript 1 space equals space straight P subscript 2 straight V subscript 2
straight V subscript 2 equals straight V subscript 1 minus straight V subscript 1 cross times 5 over 100
straight V subscript 2 equals straight V subscript 1 minus 0.05 straight V subscript 1 space left parenthesis 5 percent sign space volume space is space decreased right parenthesis
straight V subscript 2 equals 0.95 straight V subscript 1
straight P subscript 2 over straight P subscript 1 equals straight V subscript 1 over straight V subscript 2
straight P subscript 2 over straight P subscript 1 minus 1 equals straight V subscript 1 over straight V subscript 2 minus 1

open parentheses straight P subscript 2 over straight P subscript 1 minus 1 close parentheses cross times 100 equals open parentheses straight V subscript 1 over straight V subscript 2 minus 1 close parentheses cross times 100
open parentheses fraction numerator straight P subscript 2 minus straight P subscript 1 over denominator straight P subscript 1 end fraction close parentheses cross times 100 equals open parentheses fraction numerator straight V subscript 1 minus straight V subscript 2 over denominator straight V subscript 2 end fraction close parentheses cross times 100
space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space equals fraction numerator straight V subscript 1 minus 0.95 straight V subscript 1 over denominator 0.95 straight V subscript 1 end fraction cross times 100
space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space equals fraction numerator 0.05 over denominator 0.95 end fraction cross times 100
space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space equals space 5.26 percent sign
Pressure is increased by 5.26%.
Answered by Ravi | 19 Jun, 2020, 14:36: PM
CBSE 12-science - Chemistry
Asked by rushana9877 | 18 Jun, 2020, 20:38: PM
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