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NEET Class neet Answered

A few statements with regard to sexual reproduction are given below. 1) sexual reproduction does not always required two individuals. 2) sexual reproduction generally involves gametic fusion. 3) mucinous never occurs during sexual reproduction. 4) external fertilization is a rule during sexual reproduction. •choose the correct statements from the options below (1 and 4), (1 and 2), ( 2 and 3), (1 and 4)
Asked by jhajuhi19 | 24 Apr, 2019, 16:53: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
  1. Sexual reproduction requires male and female gametes produced either by the same individual or by different individuals of opposite sex.
  2. Sexual reproduction generally involves gametic fusion.
  3. Meiosis occurs during sexual reproduction in diploid organisms.
  4. External fertilisation is not a rule during sexual reproduction, internal fertilization also takes place.

Therefore, the correct statements are 1 and 2.

Answered by Sheetal Kolte | 25 Apr, 2019, 12:04: PM