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Class 10 FRANK Solutions Physics Chapter 6.1: Radioactivity

Revise Physics topics with Frank Solutions for ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 6.1 Radioactivity. Understand the meaning of terms such as atomic mass, atomic number, mass number, nucleus etc. Practise TopperLearning’s Physics solutions to find out why radioactivity is considered a nuclear phenomenon.

In addition, learn about alpha particles, beta particles and gamma radiations with our ICSE Class 10 Physics chapter resources. Scoring high marks in Physics will need you to have clarity of concepts. For strengthening conceptual clarity, you should use our practice tests and video lessons.

Radioactivity Exercise 261

Solution 1

Atom consists of three elementary particles, neutrons, protons and electrons. Neutron and protons form the central part of atom called nucleus where electrons revolve around this central part in orbits called electronic orbits.

Solution 2

Nucleus is central part of an atom which consist of elementary particles protons and neutrons.

Solution 3

(i)  Atomic number is the number of protons present in the nucleus. As number of protons is equal to the number of electrons so atomic number also gives the number of electrons in an atom.
(ii)    Mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus.
(iii)    Atomic mass of element is the relative mass of its atom as compared to the mass of carbon atom taken as 12.

Solution 4

Solution 5

Solution 6

The atoms of same elements having the same atomic number Z but different mass number A are called isotopes.

Solution 7

Isotopes have same chemical properties but have different physical properties.

Solution 8

The atoms of different elements having same mass number but different atomic number are called isobars.

Solution 9


Both ?-radiations and X-rays affect photographic plate, both travel with the speed of light.


?-radiations are obtained in emissions from the radioactive substances due to energy change in the nucleus of their atoms and X- rays are obtained when highly energetic cathode rays are stopped by a heavy metal target of high melting point.

?-radiations have high penetration power but X-rays do not have have very high penetration power.

Solution 10

Solution 11

Solution 12

Solution 13

Solution 14

Radioactivity is the spontaneous random emission of particles from within the nucleus of atom. Radiations are emitted from nucleus of atom thus radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon.

Solution 15

Solution 16

(i)    Alpha particles are heavy in mass and are positively charged so they are deflected less by magnetic field and direction is upward which can be calculated by Fleming left hand rule.
(ii)    Beta particles are negligible in mass so they are highly deflected by magnetic field and they are negatively charge particle so they are deflected in downward direction.
(iii)    Gamma radiations have no mass and no charge so they are not deflected by magnetic field.

Radioactivity Exercise 262

Solution 17

Solution 18

Solution 19

Solution 20

Solution 21

Solution 22

Artificial radioactive substances can be produced by bombarding lighter nuclides with alpha particles, protons and neutron. The radioactive substances produces in this manner are called radioisotopes.
Radioisotopes can be used as:
(i)    Rays from Radium produce satisfactorily improvement in skin diseases.
(ii)    Radioactive Sulphur S35 helps to study advantages and disadvantages of fungicides.

Solution 23

Following precautions should be taken while handling the radioactive substances.
(i)    The sources should only be handled by the forceps provided and never touched by hand.
(ii)    They should never be pointed towards a person.
(iii)    Food should not be taken where the sources are being used, as it may be contaminated.
(iv)    Never smoke near a radioactive source.

Solution 24

Radioactive substances should not be touched by hands because radiation emitted by radioactive substances can cause burns, Leukaemia, eye cataract, sterility or many other dangerous disease.