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ICSE Class 7 Answered

Write a short note on the Pacific Ocean.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 24 Apr, 2015, 07:51: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

The Pacific Ocean was named by Ferdinand Magellan after circumnavigating the Earth. He named the ocean ‘pacific’, meaning ‘calm or peaceful’. However on the contrary, most of the islands in this ocean are of volcanic origin.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and the deepest ocean in the world. It has an average depth of 4,200 metres. The deepest trench in the world is the Mariana trench which is located at a depth of 10,800 m under the sea.

This ocean has North and South America on its east and Asia and Australia on its west. It has a shorter coastline and fewer harbours. This is the reason that it is commercially not very significant.

Answered by | 24 Apr, 2015, 09:51: AM
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