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ICSE Class 7 Answered

 Study the picture and answer the following questions: Identify it. Where is it located? State the composition of this court. How are the judges of this court appointed?
Asked by Topperlearning User | 22 May, 2015, 07:16: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
  1. The building shown in the picture is the Supreme Court of India. It is located in New Delhi.
  2. The Supreme Court consists of a number of judges and the Chief Justice. Originally, there were seven judges including the Chief Justice. However, at present, there are a total of 28 judges counting the Chief Justice.
  3. The President appoints the Chief Justice as well as the judges of the Supreme Court. With regard to the Chief Justice, the President consults the judges of the Supreme Court and the Council of Ministers. While for the judges, the President consults the Chief Justice.
Answered by | 22 May, 2015, 09:16: AM
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