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ICSE Class 7 Answered

State any four important legislative powers of the Governor.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 May, 2015, 01:35: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

The legislative powers of the Governor are

  1. He is a part of the state legislature and can summon, adjourn or prorogue the state legislature.
  2. He addresses the commencement of the first session of the state legislature every year.
  3. No bills can be passed in the state legislature until it has been approved and signed by the Governor.
  4. In certain cases, the Governor can withhold the bill and pass it to the President for his approval.
  5. He can issue ordinances when the state legislature is not in session. However, these ordinances cease to operate at the end of 6 weeks when the state legislature meets again.
  6. He also nominates 1/6th of the members of the Legislative Council or Vidhan Sabha.
Answered by | 20 May, 2015, 03:35: PM
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