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ICSE Class 10 Answered

Mention four disciplinary functions of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 12 Apr, 2016, 11:13: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

The four disciplinary functions of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha are:

  1. She/he has to maintain order in the House. When members become uncontrollable, she/he may have to order them to withdraw. Also, he has the right to suspend members if they disregard the authority of the Chair. He can also adjourn the House, in case of disorder.
  2. The Speaker can expunge indecent and unparliamentary words used by the members in the House.
  3. She/he has the right to decide whether there is a case for matters relating to a breach of privilege or contempt of the House.
  4. The Speaker is given the right to decide whether a Member of the Lok Sabha stands disqualified under the Anti-Deflection Law. Also, the Constitution says that the Speaker’s decision would be final and no court shall have any jurisdiction in this regard.
Answered by | 12 Apr, 2016, 01:13: PM
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