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ICSE Class 7 Answered

Explain why the following were considered the most outstanding Renaissance artists: Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2015, 03:05: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
  1. Michelangelo: He was considered the most outstanding Renaissance artist because he was a painter, exceptional sculptor, architect and poet. He painted the fresco paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He was also an architect of St Peter’s Cathedral.
  2. Leonardo da Vinci: He was an exceptional person. He was a brilliant painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, musician, mathematician, anatomist, philosopher and mechanical designer. Mona Lisa and the Last Supper are two of his best paintings.
Answered by | 20 Apr, 2015, 05:05: PM
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