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ICSE Class 7 Answered

Briefly mention three reasons which led to the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 29 Apr, 2015, 01:36: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Reasons which led to the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe were

  1. Fall of Constantinople: In 1453 CE, Constantinople was occupied by the Ottoman Turks. Many Greek scholars residing in Constantinople fled to Italy and to the other European countries with rare manuscripts related to the Roman Empire and its culture. As a result, people began to study about these cultures which marked the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe.
  2. Crusades: Crusades were the religious wars which were fought by the Christians against the Muslims for controlling holy lands. Many Christian crusaders came into contact with the Arabs who had made great advancement in Science, Mathematics, Art etc. This also led to the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe.
  3. Invention of printing press: Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. This helped in publications of many books and the translation of the Bible into many languages. After reading these books, people began to question the authority and the beliefs of the Church. The spread of the spirit of scientific inquiry marked the beginning of the Renaissance in Europe.
Answered by | 29 Apr, 2015, 03:36: PM
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