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CBSE Class 9 Grammar Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

With the right CBSE Class 9 MCQ English grammar questions available at TopperLearning, you can aim to score the best in the upcoming class exams. While other parts of the syllabus in English comprise literature and comprehensive texts based on writing skills, the grammar section demands proper practice. Helping you with your study plan, here you will find chapter-wise MCQs in English grammar.

The best part is that you can select from practice and timed tests while solving MCQs in English grammar. Also, TopperLearning aims to offer a seamless practice experience by letting you decide between the number of questions - 5 or 10, as per the time you have.

What’s more?

You can review the right answer for every question and go through the explanation as well!

After going through the CBSE Class 9 Syllabus for English grammar, professional subject matter experts have come up with the right questions. You will get them all, starting with phrases and clauses, determiners, and relatives, to correct usage, modals,  figures of speech and active and passive voice. 

When done with English, browse the website to avail of MCQs in Science, Maths, Hindi and Social Studies for Class 9 CBSE.

Grammar Chapters for Multiple Choice Questions