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ICSE Class 9 Answered

The pressure at the bottom of well is 3times the pressure at a depth of 2 m. Calculate the depth of the well if the atmospheric pressure is 10.33m of water column 
Asked by Namita | 07 Aug, 2018, 15:31: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
We know that pressure in the liquid column is given as,
P= hρg...(1)
Let pressure at bottom of well be P1 and that at depth of 2m be P2
Given: P1 = 3P2 ...(2)
S i n c e space rho space a n d space g space a r e space cos tan t s space
P subscript 1 over P subscript 2 equals h subscript 1 over h subscript 2

rightwards double arrow fraction numerator begin display style 3 P subscript 2 end style over denominator begin display style P subscript 2 end style end fraction equals fraction numerator begin display style h subscript 1 end style over denominator begin display style 2 end style end fraction
rightwards double arrow space h 1 equals 6 space m

T h u s comma space d e p t h space o f space t h e space w e l l space i s space 6 space m e t r e s.
Answered by Shiwani Sawant | 08 Aug, 2018, 14:11: PM
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