JEE Class main Answered
Shift S of fringe pattern due to introduction of transparent plate in front of one slit is given by
S = D×t×(μ-1) / d .....................(1)
Fringe width β = λ×D/d .........................(2)
where D is distance between slits and screen, t is thickness of plate, μ is refractive index of plate,
d is distance between plate and λ is the wavelength of light used.
Shift in terms of fringe width S/β is obtained by dividing eqn.(1) by eqn.(2),
S/β= t×(μ-1) / λ = 2×10-2/(600×10-9)= (5/3)×104 ............(3)
if S/β is integer then shift gives bright fringe (maxima) at centre .
if S/β is of the form n+(1/2), where n is integer, then shift gives dark fringe (minima) at centre.
Hence from eqn.(3) the shift of fringe pattern in this particular case due to introduction of transparent plate
in front of one of the slit gives neither maxima nor minima
Let μi be the initial refractive index and μf is the refractive index after heating of plate.
Difference of shift pattern on the screen = [ ( D×t×(μf-1)/d ) - ( D×t×(μi-1)/d ) ]
no. of fringes crossing a point on the screen = [ ( D×t×(μf-1)/d ) - ( D×t×(μi-1)/d ) ] / [ λ×D/d ] = t×μ×α×ΔT/λ ...................(4)
where α is temperature coefficient of refractive index and ΔT is change in temperature.
by substituting the values t = 2×10-2 m , ΔT = 5 °C and the respective values for μ and λ in eqn.(4), we get
no. of fringes crossing a point on the screen is 1/2
Intensity I = I1 + I2 + 2 (I1 I2 )1/2cosδ
If I1 = I and I = I , then by using cosδ=+1, we have maximum intensity I0 = 4I
If I1 = I and I = I/2 , then by using cosδ=+1, we have maximum intensity I' = I [ (3/2) + (2/√2) ] = (I0 / 4)[ (3/2) + √2 ]