CBSE Class 10 Answered
Meena and Seema alone can complete the whole work in (9y+3) days and 9z days, respectively and Reena and Kisan alone can complete the whole work in (2x + 2) days and (x - y) days, respectively. Reena and Chhaya together can complete the whole work in 18 days and Jaya and Payal together can complete the whole work in 24 days. Payal and Chhaya alone can complete the whole work in (10z + 2) days, and 6z days respectively. Kisan and Ira together can complete the whole work in 120/7 days and Ira and Jaya alone can complete the whole work in (x + y) days and 14z days, respectively. Find x, y and z.
Asked by nk.neetuhome | 18 Nov, 2022, 15:43: PM
The solution is as follows:

Answered by Renu Varma | 13 Dec, 2022, 15:54: PM
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