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CBSE Class 6 Answered

Many people visit Delhi every year. The exact visitor figures for 2009 and 2010 can be found in the table below. Use it to answer the questions given below. 2009 2010 Adults children adults children Jan 1050 900 2000 1000 Feb 2000 1100 2200 800 March 1200 1300 1200 1200 April 3000 780 1250 1000 May 3000 2900 3000 3000 June 1200 1200 3000 2000   (a) For both years, find the month(s) in which maximum adults visited. (b) For both years, find the month(s) in which maximum children visited. (c) For both years, find the month(s) in which the number of children and adults were the same.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 11 Dec, 2013, 02:49: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

(a) In 2009-April, May and in 2010-May, June.

(b) In 2009-May and in 2010-May.

(c) In 2009-June and in 2010-March and May

Answered by | 11 Dec, 2013, 04:49: AM
CBSE 6 - Maths
Asked by Topperlearning User | 04 Jun, 2014, 13:23: PM
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