CBSE Class 9 Answered
Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?
Asked by 17sa010726 | 30 Apr, 2021, 09:07: AM
It is important to increase the land under irrigation because farming is the main source of income for the maximum part of the population in India. Less than 40 per cent of the land is cultivable in the country. In India, the rainfall is unevenly distributed in the country and if rainfall is less, then production will be low, and they will be only able to grow one crop in a season. So if water is provided for irrigation to the farmers for a larger portion of land, it would lead to better output and make more land cultivable in India and also encourage farmers to take up newer farming methods without the fear of suffering a loss.
Answered by Sheetal Kolte | 30 Apr, 2021, 12:03: PM
Application Videos
CBSE 9 - Geography
Asked by mayankjoshi04.9cpsb | 04 Mar, 2022, 18:44: PM
CBSE 9 - Geography
Asked by 17sa010726 | 30 Apr, 2021, 09:07: AM