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ICSE Class 7 Answered

How do ocean currents influence the climate of a place? Explain with the help of an example.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 22 May, 2015, 10:13: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Ocean currents are caused by the uneven heating of the Earth surface. Warm ocean currents flow from the equatorial regions and cold ocean currents flow from the Polar regions. Warm ocean currents increases the temperature of the near by coastal areas while cold ocean currents bring down the temperature. For example, the warm North Atlantic Drift keeps the temperature of Western Europe warm even during winters. On the contrary, the cold Labrador current drastically reduces the temperature of the eastern coast of North America.

Answered by | 22 May, 2015, 12:13: PM
ICSE 7 - Geography
Asked by johnbapistdsouza | 13 Oct, 2021, 11:33: AM
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