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ICSE Topper Mentor Pack for Class 6

Often, students refrain from participating in class discussions or raise their hands when they have questions. For many students, it’s because they fear they will look silly, nervous, or less smart if they get the answer wrong, and their classmates will judge them for it. However, it is important to address the concerns of the students so that they understand the concepts well and meet their learning objectives.


With this objective in mind, Topper Learning is excited to introduce you to our ‘Topper Mentor’ program which will encourage your child to learn about the course concepts more critically, helping improve his or her comprehension and retention. This program allows you to connect with a dedicated academic mentor who can guide you, answer your questions, and provide additional support throughout your studies.


Key Features of Topper Mentor Program

(Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology)

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Access to a personalised Mentor

Each subscription comes with a personalised assigned mentor.

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Introductory Call with the Mentor

The academic mentor will connect with the users to understand their overall academic details, syllabus, learning styles, weak areas, etc.

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Feature Tour with the Mentor

The academic mentor will conduct a demo session explaining the navigation and usage of features on the website for a particular board-grade.

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Regular and Dedicated Academic Updates

The academic mentor will communicate important academic updates on the website through WhatsApp or emails.

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Pre-Exam Live Online Mock Tests Supervised by the Mentor

The academic mentor will create customised, proctored mock tests based on the user's syllabus. There will be two tests each for Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology - one before the half-yearly exam and one before the final exams. These tests will be conducted online for a specified duration and will be supervised by the mentor. The users will be required to write these tests sincerely as they do while writing their school exams. The mentor will later evaluate the users' answer sheet.

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Exam Prep Strategies through Live Online Classes

Based on the learner’s performance in the live online mock tests, the mentor would conduct online classes to discuss the evaluated answer sheet. There will be two online classes each for Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology - one before the half-yearly exam and one before final exams. These classes will focus on identifying the weak areas of the user and formulating strategies to overcome these and perform well in their school exams.

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Syllabus Aligned to CISCE Curriculum

CISCE has announced several changes in its curriculum recently, and these learning materials have been meticulously prepared according to the changes. It ensures students receive only the most relevant and latest study materials to help them stay on top of the revised syllabus.

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Subjects Offered: Maths and Science

Maths and Science are two main subjects that need to be harnessed by students to score good marks in the exam. The Test Series offers extensive learning resources for these two subjects to ensure thorough, consistent practice with a firm grasp of all concepts.

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7000+ Chapter-wise Questions

To boost exam preparation, the Test Series offers a vast question bank with over 7000 questions given chapter-wise in various formats, including MCQs, Important Questions, Short Answer Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True or False, and more. When students practise essential topics in all formats, they gain confidence and become ready to face these exam questions.

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4500+ Questions in Practice Tests

Practice tests are essential for students to assess their progress, learn their strengths and weaknesses, improve their time management, and become familiar with the question pattern. Subject matter experts have prepared these practice test questions using the latest ICSE guidelines to ensure accuracy.

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200+ Video Lessons for Maths, Science (PCB) and Hindi Vyakaran

The Test Series offers over 200 video lessons prepared on essential topics to ensure a better comprehension of advanced concepts. Each video is headed by an experienced instructor who makes the videos engaging using visual aids that help students grasp concepts quickly, learn formulas faster, and retain the information for longer.

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115+ Chapter-wise Revision Notes

To help with quick revision before exams, students will receive over 115 chapter-wise revision notes prepared by learned subject matter experts. Students can go through these notes for concise, focused revision.

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15+ Sample Papers with Solutions

Students can solve the various sample papers offered once they have completed their theoretical preparation. This will familiarise them with the examination pattern and gain confidence about their learning progress.

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Ask A Doubt (Ask 5 Questions per Day)

Students will get unrestricted access to the Ask A Doubt forum, where students can post/upload five questions daily. Subject matter experts will promptly answer these questions with comprehensive explanations, helping students understand complex concepts in-depth. Students can view 3L+ peer doubts, and an extensive range of previously answered questions to add to their knowledge.

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FREE Subjects Offered: History and Civics, Geography, English Grammar, Comprehension and Composition and Hindi Vyakran

The Test Series offers complimentary subjects as an add-on to the two main subjects. These complimentary subjects include History and Civics, Hindi Vyakran, Geography, English Grammar, Comprehension and Composition. Covering all topics ensures consistent exam preparation with a holistic understanding of the curriculum.

₹14399 ₹17999 20% off

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