Physics Videos
Physics and Measurement
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Measurement and Error Analysis
This video explains the international unit system, parallax method of measu -
Units and Measurement
This video explains unique features of the clock at Jantar Mantar, units us -
Exam Decoded
This video contains practice questions on measuring large distances, measur -
Significant Figures and Dimensions
This video explains significant figures, rules to identify significant figu -
Significant Figures and Dimensions
This video explains dimensions of physical quantities, dimensional formulae
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Motion in a Straight Line
This video explains the calculation of displacement and average velocity of -
Motion in a Straight Line
This video explains the calculation of average speed, average acceleration -
Motion in a Straight Line
This video contains practice questions on displacement, average velocity, a -
Motion in a Straight Line
Motion in a Straight Line
Laws of Motion
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Laws of Motion
This video explains the concept of external force, net force and Newton's f -
Newton's First Law of Motion - Part 2
This video explains inertia and the inertial, non-inertial reference frame. -
Laws of Motion
This video contains practice questions on Newton's first law of motion. -
Laws of Motion
This video explains momentum and some examples indicating that a force is n -
Laws of Motion
This video explains Newton's second law of motion, the definition of SI uni
Work, Energy and Power
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Work, Energy and Power
Work, Energy and Power
Work, Energy and Power
Recap Exam decoded - work and energy -
Potential Energy
This video explains the gravitational potential energy and finding out the -
Work, Energy and Power
This video explains the derivation of the principle of conservation of tota
Rotational Motion
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Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
This video explains the nature of a rigid body, the centre of mass, the mot -
Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
This video explains the mathematical formula used to figure out the locatio -
Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
This video contains exam tips and practice questions on rigid body and cent -
Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
This video explains the motion of the centre of mass, extended Newton's fir -
Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
This video contains practice problems based on the motion of the centre of
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This video explains the universal law of gravitation and the acceleration d -
This video explains Newton's law of gravitation, acceleration due to gravit -
This video contains practice questions on the universal law of gravitation -
This video explains the universal law of gravitation and the gravitational -
Potential Energy
This video explains the gravitational potential energy and finding out the
Properties of Solids and Liquids
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Mechanical Properties of Solids
Mechanical Properties of Solids
This video explains the elastic behaviour of solids, stress and strain defi -
Elasticity - Exam Decoded
This video contains practice questions on elastic behaviour of solids, stre -
Mechanical Properties of Solids
This video explains Hooke's law, elastic modulus and Young's modulus. -
Mechanical Properties of Solids
This video explains bulk modulus and shear modulus of solids.
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This video explains the mechanical equivalent of heat, concept of heat, int -
This video explains thermal equilibrium and the zeroth and first law of the -
This video contains practice questions based on thermal equilibrium, zeroth -
This video explains specific heat capacity and molar specific heat capacity -
This video explains thermodynamic state variables and equation of state and
Kinetic Theory of Gases
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Kinetic Theory of Gases
This video explains the kinetic theory of gases, ideal gas law and behaviou -
Kinetic Theory of Gases
This video explains the pressure exerted by an ideal gas and the relationsh -
Kinetic Theory of Gases
This video contains practice questions and numerical problems on the kineti -
Kinetic Theory of Gases
This video explains the kinetic interpretation of temperature and the total -
Kinetic Theory of Gases
This video explains the law of equipartition of energy and the specific hea
Oscillations and Waves
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This video explains periodic motion, oscillatory or vibratory motion and si -
This video explains the general equation of motion for simple harmonic moti -
This video contains practice questions and numerical problems based on peri -
This video explains simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion, dis -
This video explains the force law for simple harmonic motion and energy of
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Electric Charge - Part 1
This video describes the concept of charge, conductors and insulators, and -
Electric Charge - Part 2
This video describes the methods of charging conductors by induction. -
Electric Charge
Discuss the types of charges and their behavior. Explain the mechanisms of -
Gold Leaf Electroscope - Part 1
This video explains the basic properties of electric charges. -
Gold Leaf Electroscope - Part 2
This video describes the model and working of gold leaf electroscope.
Current Electricity
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Electric Current
This video explains the concept of electric current. -
Electric Current - Ohm's law
Define electric current as the rate of flow of charge. State Ohm's Law. Def -
Electric Current and Ohm's Law - Exam Decoded
This video contains practice questions and numerical problems on Ohm's law. -
Drift of Electrons - Part 1
This video explain the drift speed and its dependence on the externally app -
Drift speed and its dependence on applied electric fiel
Define drift speed and study its dependence on applied electric field. Lear
Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
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Magnetic Lorentz Force - Part 1
This video explains the characteristics of the force on a charge when place -
Magnetic Lorentz Force - Part 2
This video explains various aspects of motion of a charged particle under t -
Magnetic Lorentz Force - Exam Decoded
This video contains practice questions on magnetic Lorentz force and motion -
Force on Current Carrying Wire - Part 1
This video explains the force produced on a charge or wire in the vicinity -
Force on Current Carrying Wire - Part 2
This video explains the force produced on a charge or wire in the vicinity
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
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Magnetic Flux - Part 1
This video deals with establishing a relation between electricity & magneti -
Establish relation between electricity and magnetism
Establish relation between electricity & magnetism. Faraday's experiments & -
Magnetic Flux - Exam Decoded
This video contains pratice questions on magnetic flux. -
Law of Faraday and Lenz - Part 1
This video explains Faraday's law, Lenz's law and their applications. -
Law of Faraday and Lenz - Part 2
This video contains practice questions and numerical problems on Faraday's
Electromagnetic Waves
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Nature and characteristics of electromagnetic waves
This video explains nature and characteristics of electromagnetic waves. -
Electromagnetic Waves - Part 2
This video explains other characteristics of the electromagnetic waves and -
Exam Strategies on Electromagnetic Spectrum
This video explains electromagnetic Spectrum,Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviole -
Electromagnetic Spectrum - Part 1
This video contains basics of electromagnetic spectrum. -
Concepts on electromagnetic spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum,Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible rays
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Reflection by Spherical Mirrors - Part 1
This video explains the types of curved mirrors and few of their uses. -
Reflection by Spherical Mirrors - Part 2
Reflection by spherical mirror, sign convention. Real and virtual focus. Mi -
Reflection by Spherical Mirrors
Reflection by spherical mirror, sign convention. Real and virtual focus. M -
Laws of refraction
This video covers laws of refraction, about refractive index and some pheno -
Concepts on refraction through place surfaces
Laws of refraction, definition of refractive index. Some phenomenon due to
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
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Photoelectric effect and Einstein's photoelectric equat
This video is based on the study of Photoelectric effect and Einstein's pho -
About Photoelectric effects
This video you will study about photoelectric effect and Einstein's photoel -
Photoelectric Effect
Study Photoelectric effect. Einstein's photoelectric equation. -
Dual Nature of Matter - Part 1
This video explains the wave particle duality of matter -
Dual Nature of Matter - Part 2
This video explains the Davisson Germer experiment and the Heisenberg's unc
Atoms and Nuclei
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Atomic Nucleus
This video covers a session on the atomic nucleus. You will also understand -
Radioactivity - Part 2
This video gexplains the types of radioactive decays -
Atomic Nucleus
Atomic Nucleus -
Radioactivity - Part 1
This video explains the process of radioactivity in detail. -
Atomic Nucleus and Nuclear Energy - Part 2
This video explains the mass-energy relation and the nuclear binding energy
Electronic Devices
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p-n Diode - Part 1
This video explains the basics of a pn junction. -
p-n Diode - Part 2
This video explains the working of a pn junction diode in forward and rever -
PN Diode
Study p-n junction, semiconductor diode, diode in forward and reverse bias -
Applications of p-n Diode - Part 1
This video explains the diode in a forward and a reverse bias. -
PN diode application
Diode V-I characteristics Diode as a rectifier Special purpose diodes.
Communication Systems
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Signals and Transmission Systems - Part 1
This video introduces various terminologies related to communication system -
Signals and Transmission Systems - Part 2
This video discusses more on signals and transmission as communication syst -
Signals and Transmission Systems - Exam Decoded
This video contains practice questions on signals and transmission systems. -
Modulation and detection of signals - Part 1
This video discusses modulation and detection of signals. -
Modulation and Detection of Signals - Part 2
This video explains production and detection of amplitude modulated wave.
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
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Growth of Current in L-R Circuit
In this video, the growth of current in RL circuit is explained. It include