Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Videos
Ionic Bonding
This video is based on the concept of Valence electrons, octet rule, covale -
Covalent Bonds
This video explains concept of valence electrons, octet rule, covalent bond -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video we will discuss the concept of Valence electrons, octet rule, co -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains ionic bonding, ionisation enthalpy, electron gain entha -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the dipole moment in polar bonds. -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video contains practice questions on ionic bond and dipole moment. -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the meaning and significance of bond parameters such as -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the meaning and significance of bond enthalpy and the c -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video contains practice questions on bond parameters such as bond leng -
Concepts of Hybridisation at a molecular level.
Valence bond theory and overlapping of atomic orbitals. Understand the conc -
Valence Bond Theory and Hybridisation
This video explains about valennce bond theory and overlapping of atomic or -
This video focuses on the Valence bond theory and overlapping of atomic orb -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theor -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video contains examples of geometry and shapes of some molecules and a -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video contains practice questions on VSEPR theory and geometry and sha -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains hydrogen bonding, its effects on the properties of mole -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the concept of resonance. -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video contains practice questions on hydrogen bonding, anomalous prope -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the molecular orbital theory, rules for writing the ele -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video explains the applications of molecular orbital theory. -
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
This video contains practice questions on molecular orbital theory and elec