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Class 8 NCERT Solutions English Chapter 10: The Great Stone Face - II

The Great Stone Face - II Exercise 136

Solution 1

1. True

2. True

3. False

The Face did not answer.

4. True

5. False

Only Ernest addressed the inhabitants of the valley.

6. True

The Great Stone Face - II Exercise 137

Solution 1

The wise thoughts in Ernest’s mind made him different from others in the valley. Unsought for, undesired had come to him the fame which so many seek. Ernest was now well-known in his valley and had become famous even beyond the valley. College professors and even the active men of cities came from far to see and converse with him. He received them with gentle sincerity and spoke freely with them of whatever came uppermost or lay deepest in his heart or their own.

Solution 2

When Ernest read his poems, he hoped that the poet was like the Stone Face. The poet had celebrated the Great Stone Face in his poems. He was moved by the living images flung out of the poet’s mind. Ernest believed that the poet's thoughts were worthy of him bearing resemblance to the Stone Face.

Solution 3

The poet said that he was not worthy to be the likeness of the Great Stone Face. He told Ernest that he could hear the distant voice of a heavenly song in his thoughts and poems. However, the poet felt that his own life had not corresponded with his thoughts. He had grand dreams, but they had been only dreams. Sometimes he even lacked faith in his own thoughts.

Solution 4

When Ernest was addressing the inhabitants of the valley, the poet realised that the life and character of Ernest were nobler than his works of poetry. His words had power, because they agreed with his thoughts and his thoughts had reality and depth because they harmonized with the life which he had always lived. His truly were the words of life. He felt that never was there so worthy a sage as that mild, sweet, thoughtful face, with the glory of white hair diffused about it. At a distance high up in the golden light of the setting sun, the Great Stone Face appeared with white mists around it, similar to the white hairs around the brow of Ernest. At that moment, Ernest's face took on an expression so grand that the poet proclaimed that Ernest was the Stone Face.

Solution 5

(i) Poet
(ii) Ernest
(iii) Poet
(iv) Ernest
(v) Ernest
(vi) Poet
(vii) Ernest
(viii) Poet
(ix) Ernest
(x) Ernest

Solution 6

(i) By common consent, Ernest turned out to be like the Great Stone Face.
(ii) No, Ernest did not believe that the old prophecy had come true. Even though everybody had agreed that he was the likeness of the Great Stone Face, his humility made him hope and believe that some wiser and better man than himself would appear, bearing a resemblance to the Great Stone Face.

The Great Stone Face - II Exercise 138

Solution 1

(i) (sun) going down -  (c) setting
(ii) brightening - (b) lending (it) a special glow
(iii) spacious -  (b) big and wide
(iv) prophecy -  (b) prediction
(v) marvellous -  (a) wonderful
(vi) proclaim -  (b) declare
(vii) cease -  (b) stop
(viii) (a night's) shelter -  (a) stay
(ix) gazed -  (b) stared at
(x) took on (an expression) -  (c) assumed

Solution 2

(a) I'm not free this evening. I am working on a project.
(b) Have you decided where you will go for your higher secondary? Yes, I have. I will go to the Kendriya Vidyalaya.
(c) Don't worry about the dog. It won't hurt you.
(d) The weatherman has predicted that it will snow in Ranikhet tonight.
(e) Swapna can't go out this evening. Her father is coming to see her.

The Great Stone Face - II Exercise 139

Solution 3

(a) Rani : Why are you turning on the radio?

Ravi : I am going to listen to the news.

(b) Rani : Oh, I can't buy this book. I have no money.

Ravi : Don't worry. I will lend you some.

(c) Rani : Look at those dark clouds.

Ravi : I think it is going to rain.

(d) Rani : What shall we have for dinner?

Ravi : I can't decide.

Rani : Make up your mind.

Ravi : All right, then. We will have fried rice and dry beans.

(e) Rani : Why are you filling the kettle with water?

Ravi : I am going to make coffee.

(f) Rani : We need some bread and butter for breakfast.

Ravi : All right. I will go to the bakery and get some.

(Before he goes out, Ravi talks to their father.)

Ravi : I am going to get some bread and butter. Do you want any thing from  the bakery?

Father : Yes, I want some salt biscuits.

Ravi : Fine, I will get you a packet.