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Class 8 NCERT Solutions Civics Chapter 3: Parliament and the Making of laws

Parliament and the Making of laws Exercise 45

Solution 1

During the British rule in India, all Indians did not have the right to vote. People from all over the country had participated in the freedom struggle. Hence, the nationalists wanted the voting rights of every Indian after the independence. After independence, the framers of the Constitution wanted the government to be sensitive to people's needs and demands. The dreams and aspirations of the freedom struggle were made concrete in the Constitution of independent India that laid down the principle of universal adult franchise, i.e., that all adult citizens of the country have the right to vote so that they can elect their own representatives.

Solution 2

This question needs to be answered by the students based on the state to which they belong.

Certain constituencies coloured green as they represent reserved constituencies for the Scheduled tribes while others are coloured blue as they represent Scheduled Castes.

Solution 3


Below is the answer for the Thane constituency, Maharashtra.

Answer will vary for students residing in different constituencies and states.