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Class 7 NCERT Solutions English Chapter 9 - A Bicycle in Good Repair

A Bicycle in Good Repair Exercise 128

Solution 1

"I got up early, for me." It implies that he was a late riser.

Solution 2

The bicycle "goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffly after lunch". The remark is humorous, sarcastic and enjoyable.

Solution 3

The sentences in the text which express the author's disapproval of his friend shaking the bicycle violently are as follows:
(i) I said, "Don't do that; you'll hurt it."
(ii) I did not see why he should shake it; it had not done anything to him.
(iii) Besides, if it wanted shaking, I was the proper person to shake it. I felt much as I should had started whacking my dog.

Solution 4

When the little ball bearings of the bicycle fell off, the author's friend told him to catch them. He said that if all the bearings of the bicycle were not present, it would make a serious difference to the bicycle. Hence, 'it' refers to the absence of even a single ball bearing of the bicycle.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Exercise 132

Solution 1

No, the front wheel did not wobble. The author said that it did not wobble. There was nothing in it worth calling a wobble. However, after the author's friend was done with it, it really started to wobble.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Exercise 133

Solution 2

When the author returned from the tool shed, he saw his friend sitting on the ground with the front wheel between his legs. He was playing with it, twiddling it round between his fingers, and the remnant of the machine was lying on the gravel path beside him.

Solution 3

The author's friend wanted to check the chain of the bicycle. For this, he began taking off the gear-case. The author tried to dissuade him from doing that by telling him that an experienced friend had told him that if anything does go wrong with the gear-case of a bicycle, then it is cheaper to sell the bicycle than set about repairing the damaged gear-case. However, his friend disagreed and said that people who commented in that manner usually knew nothing about machines. He said that nothing was easier than taking off a gear-case. The author notes with sarcasm that his friend was indeed right. In less than five minutes, he had the gear-case in two pieces, lying on the path.

Solution 4

The author's friend tightened the chain till it did not move. Then he loosened it until it was twice as loose as it was before.

Solution 5

"Cheery confidence" and "inexplicable hopefulness" are the two phrases which respectively show that the author's friend knew what he was doing and was absolutely sure that it was good.

Solution 6

When the author's friend doubled himself across the bicycle till he lost his balance and slid over on to his head, he lost his temper and tried bullying it. The bicycle showed spirit and there ensued a rough-and-tumble fight between him and the machine. One moment the bicycle was on the gravel path and he on top of it. The next moment the position was reversed. He became happy with his victory after the bicycle was firmly fixed between his legs. However, his triumph was short-lived. By a sudden, quick movement, the bicycle freed itself and hit him sharply over the head with one of its handles by turning upon him. After a while, dirty, disheveled, cut and bleeding he finally gave up, saying that he thought that would do. He rose and wiped his brow. The bicycle looked as if it also had had enough of it.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Exercise 134

Solution 1

(i) You are obliged to do your duty irrespective of consequences.
You ought to do your duty irrespective of consequences.
(ii) You will do well to study at least for an hour every day.
You should study at least for an hour everyday.
(iii) The doctor says it is necessary for her to sleep eight hours every night.
The doctor says she must sleep eight hours every night.
(iv) It is right that you show  respect  towards  elders  and  affection  towards youngsters.
You should show respect towards elders and affection towards youngsters.
(v) If you want to stay healthy, exercise regularly.
You must exercise regularly to stay fit.
(vi) It is good for you to take a walk every morning.
You should take a walk every morning
(vii) It is strongly advised that you don't stand on your head.
You must not stand on your head.
(viii) As he has a cold, it is better for him to go to bed.
As he has a cold, he should go to bed.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Exercise 135

Solution 2

(i) People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
(ii) You ought to wipe your feet before coming into the house, especially during the rains.
(iii) You should do what the teacher tells you.
(iv) The pupils were told that they should write more neatly.
(v) Sign in front of a park: You must not walk on the grass.
(vi) You should be ashamed of yourself having made such a remark.
(vii) He left home at 9 o'clock. He should be here any minute.
(viii) "Whatever happened to the chocolate cake?"
"How should I know? I have just arrived."

Solution 3

(a) I went to the tool shed.
(b) I went (there) to see.
(c) What could I find?
(a) I came back.
(b) He was sitting on the ground.
(a) We may as well see (it).
(b) What (is) the matter with it? (c) It is out now.
(a) He said.
(b) He hoped.
(c) We had got them all.
(a) I had to confess.
(b) He was right.

A Bicycle in Good Repair Exercise 136

Solution 4

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