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Class 6 NCERT Solutions Civics Chapter 6 - Urban Administration

Urban Administration Exercise 56

Solution 1

The children went to Yasmin Khala's house to find out who was assigned to replace the damaged street light. They had gone to her house because Rehana's mom had told them that the Municipal Corporation took care of replacing street lights, and that the best person they could ask would be Yasmin Khala as she had recently retired from the Municipal Corporation.

Solution 2

The ways in which the work of the Municipal Corporation affects the life of a city dweller are

 Garbage collection and disposal

 Building and maintaining schools, hospitals and dispensaries

 Supply of safe drinking water

 Controlling disease breakout

 Laying, maintaining and repairing roads

 Supply of electricity

 Installing, maintaining and repairing street lights

Solution 3

A Municipal Councillor is an elected representative of a ward. When the people of a ward have certain grievances, they go to their local Councillor for help. The Councillors are responsible for their wards and have to ensure that the demands of their wards are placed before the entire council. When decisions regarding the city as a whole are to be taken, the Councillors of different wards come together to form committees. 

Solution 4

Gangabai collected a large number of women and went to the Commissioner along with the Ward Councillor to protest against the garbage dumps all over her area.

According to Yasmin Khala, at one point, their neighbourhood used to have garbage lying all over. The situation had become so bad that children stopped playing as their parents were afraid that they would get sick from staying on the streets too long. The women in the neighbourhood were understandably very unhappy about the situation.

Solution 5

The Municipal Corporation earns the money to do its work from various taxes paid by the citizens of the country. The taxes paid are

 Water Tax

 Property Tax

 Education Tax

 Entertainment Tax

 Other Services

Solution 6

(i) The 2nd photo provides safety to the person disposing the garbage.

(ii) The dangers of collecting garbage shown in the manner of the 1st photo are

  • Breathing problems
  • Falling sick
  • Skin diseases
  • Poisonous gas infection

(iii) Proper ways of disposing garbage are not available to those who work in municipalities perhaps because of the careless and negligent attitude of the municipal corporations towards the people responsible for collecting and disposing garbage.

Urban Administration Exercise 57

Solution 7

  • It is important that the Corporation should spend more money on slum localities because the major workforce lives in these colonies. They work so hard that the economic activities of the city run smoothly. Hence, adequate money should be spent on the betterment of the slum locations.
  • The Constitution of India talks about providing ‘equality of status and opportunity’ to everyone. It also speaks about providing ‘social, economic and political justice’ to each individual. Therefore, the problem of unequal living conditions needs to be addressed.
  • The Municipal Corporation should provide the poor in the city with the same facilities that the rich get. It should ensure that the poor do not experience any discrimination.
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