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Class 10 NCERT Solutions English Chapter 3(B): Plugging into Future

Plugging into Future Exercise 98

Solution 2

Mobile phone can be taken as an instance of a latest gadget at home.

I recently bought a Blueberry Cold 9780. I always had the fantasy of buying this model although it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of these can be listed below:

· Advantages:

· Fantastic Battery Back-up;

· 5 Mega-pixel Camera;

· Unlimited Internet Access;

· 32 GB Extendable Memory.

· Disadvantages:

· Radio waves emitted by mobile phones are harmful to human body;

· Excess usage leads to a disturbed mind, and hence, a disturbed sleep.

Solution 3

1. LED Umbrella

2. Laser Cosmos

3. Nappak

4. Flying Alarm Clock

5. Luggage bag and mini scooter

6. Metal detecting sandals