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Class 10 NCERT Solutions English Chapter 1(B) - Laughter- the Best Medicine

Laughter- the Best Medicine Exercise 16

Solution 2

The following part of the poem seemed the funniest to me:

They told him as he went about:

"You've got u'r coat on inside out!"

And when they saw his hat, they said:

"You've put a saucepan on your head!"

Reasons for preferences:

· Funny appearance;

· Embarrassing situation;

· Hilarious Props like a saucepan on his head;

· Public Display.

Solution 3

The Benefits of Laughter

Physical Health Benefits:

Mental Health Benefits:

Social Benefits:

Boosts immunity

Relieves stress

Strengthens relationships

Lowers stress hormones

Eases anxiety and fear

Enhances teamwork

Decreases pain

Improves mood

Helps diffuse conflict

Enhances resilience

Adds joy and zest of life

Promotes group bonding

Relaxes you muscles

Attracts other to us

Prevents heart disease

Laughter- the Best Medicine Exercise 21

Solution 5

(para 1) : The unconditional nature of joy

(para 2) : Healing power of laughter yoga

(para 3) : The link between Body and Mind

(para 4) : Laughter-Positive Impact - making members refreshed

(para 5) : Spontaneous laughter

(para 6) : The conditioned Mind

Solution 6

Hi Sarika,

How are you; it's been a Long time, no see! We spent so much time together when I was home last month. I really miss your company. When I was there you were too busy preparing for your class XII exams. I hope the preparations are going well. I hope that you are taking sometime out for yourself in between the studying.

Dad has been telling me that you're really worked up about the exams. My advice to you is to prepare well and then take it easy. They're only exams and soon you will be done with them. I suggest you should join a laughter club in your area. That will definitely help you de-stress. Laughter is always good for one as it lowers the blood pressure and reduces stress hormones. Moreover, it cleanses lungs, body tissues and increases blood circulation. Laughter can prevent one from illnesses as it boosts the immune function.

Joining a laughter club will rejuvenate you completely and will produce a sense of well being.

Hope you'll follow my advice. All the best for your exams and keep laughing always!



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