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ICSE Class 6 Answered

What were the effects of Alexander’s invasion?
Asked by Topperlearning User | 18 May, 2015, 03:11: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Following were the effects of Alexander’s invasion:

  1. The invasion by Alexander established a direct link between India and the European continent. It also led to the establishment of four different trade routes by land and sea.
  2. Alexander’s historians maintained precise records of his campaigns and their dates. These helped Indian historians in fixing exact dates for later events and reconstructed the history of India in a chronological fashion.
  3. The cultural contact with the Greeks led to the development of the distinct Indo-Greek school of art called the Gandhara School of Art.
  4. Alexander’s invasion destroyed the power of the small north-western states. This enabled Chandragupta Maurya to expand his territories in this region and ultimately helped in the process of the political unification of India under the Mauryas.
Answered by | 18 May, 2015, 05:11: PM
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