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ICSE Class 6 Answered

What are some of the sources of income for municipalities and Municipal Corporations?
Asked by Topperlearning User | 24 Sep, 2015, 02:10: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Some of the sources of income for municipalities and Municipal Corporations are:

  1. Taxes on houses and land are important sources of income.
  2. Taxes which are levied on vehicles, motorcycles or carriages.
  3. Grants from the State Government.
  4. Educational tax which is collected for educational activities.
  5. Toll taxes collected for using bridges and roads.
  6. Taxes levied on businesses and professions.
  7. Water tax to those who have municipal taps in their houses and organisations.
Answered by | 24 Sep, 2015, 04:10: PM
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