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ICSE Class 6 Answered

Give an account of any three aspects of the scientific progress achieved during the Gupta period.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 18 May, 2015, 10:33: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Following are three aspects of the scientific progress achieved during the Gupta period:

  1. Aryabhatta and Varahmihira were great mathematicians and astronomers. Aryabhatta is known to have made the discovery that the Earth moves around the Sun. He also discovered the causes behind lunar and solar eclipses.
  2. It was during this time that Vagabhata wrote a book on the ayurvedic system of medicine.
  3. It was during this time that Indians are supposed to have developed the system of numerals. The concept of zero and the decimal system are considered to be India’s great contributions to the field of mathematics.
Answered by | 18 May, 2015, 12:33: PM
ICSE 6 - History and Civics
Asked by dheerajsaji2010.ds | 10 Mar, 2022, 11:19: AM
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