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ICSE Class 6 Answered

Explain the following: a. Verbal scale b. Linear scale c. Representative fraction
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2015, 08:14: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
  1. Verbal Scale or the Verbal Statement: Verbal scale states the distance on the map to the proportionate distance on the ground. It is expressed in units. For example: If the distance between two points on the ground is 500 km, and this distance on a map is drawn to 5 cm, then the verbal scale of the map is 1 cm = 100 km.
  2. Linear Scale: This scale is also known as bar scale or the scale bar. It is a straight line which is drawn to scale and show the distance on the map which is equal to the real distance on the ground.
  3. Representative Fraction: This scale indicates the ratio which exists between the numbers of units on the map to the number of units on the ground. Since the scale is written as a fraction, it is known as the representative fraction.
Answered by | 20 Apr, 2015, 10:14: AM
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