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ICSE Class 6 Answered

Explain the following: a. Physical map b. Political map c. Thematic map
Asked by Topperlearning User | 20 Apr, 2015, 08:12: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
  1. Physical maps: These maps show the relief features of the Earth. Various landforms like mountains, rivers, valleys, plains and other relief features are marked in the physical map. These are usually small scale maps.
  2. Political maps: Political maps show the countries of the world. Within the country, they show the boundaries between a nation and a state. Important capital and commercial cities are also marked in a political map.
  3. Thematic maps: Thematic maps are based on a theme and represent only the specific features. For example, distribution of population, rice growing regions of the world etc are some examples of the thematic maps.
Answered by | 20 Apr, 2015, 10:12: AM
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