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ICSE Class 6 Answered

Explain any five factors which demonstrate the contribution of the Chinese civilisation.
Asked by Topperlearning User | 15 May, 2015, 12:35: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Following are five important factors which demonstrate the contribution of the Chinese civilisation:

  1. During the time of the Chinese civilisation in the 1st century CE, paper was produced from the bark of old trees, old rags and fishing nets. The knowledge of the production process reached Europe as late as the 8th century CE.
  2. The Chinese also developed the art of block printing. Wood blocks were first carved out, and their surfaces were inked and pressed on paper. By the 9th century CE, the Chinese had also started printing books.
  3. The Chinese were also the first to manufacture gunpowder, to create the mariner’s compass, to build the water mill and to make the wheelbarrow, umbrellas and kites.
  4. The Chinese year had 365 days with 12 months. It was a combination of lunar and solar calculations. The Chinese could even predict the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon.
  5. The earliest known seismograph to record earthquakes was made by the Chinese.
Answered by | 15 May, 2015, 02:35: PM
ICSE 6 - History and Civics
Asked by shampamukherjee34 | 30 Aug, 2021, 10:24: AM
ICSE 6 - History and Civics
Asked by suvekshathulung | 14 Jul, 2021, 10:43: AM
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