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ICSE Class 9 Answered

Discuss the effects of the following on human health: Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Nitrogen oxide Sulphur oxides Hydrocarbons
Asked by Topperlearning User | 06 Jan, 2015, 04:22: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
  1. Carbon monoxide: When inhaled, the gas causes nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and chest pain. It also reduces the capacity of blood to carry oxygen in the body. In severe cases, it may combine with hemoglobin and from carboxyl hemoglobin which may even result in unconsciousness and death.

  2. Carbon dioxide: When it is inhaled in large quantities, may lead to asphyxiation and cause damage to kidneys.

  3. Nitrogen oxide: Its inhalation beyond the set limits results in inflammation of the lungs. It lowers human resistance to pneumonia and influenza.

  4. Sulphur dioxide: It obstructs breathing and causes irritation in the eyes.

  5. Hydrocarbons: They affect the respiratory system and cause hypertension.

Answered by | 06 Jan, 2015, 06:22: PM
ICSE 9 - Geography
Asked by sudhanshurajput2209.9sdatl | 26 May, 2020, 06:09: PM
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