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CBSE Class 10 Answered

Describe the character of the post master. 7 marks. You are requested to add somevaluable words which catch the eye of the examiners while checking the copies and their attention is grabbed.
Asked by tultuldutta58 | 25 Feb, 2018, 11:35: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

The postmaster, a native of Calcutta, is an intellectual and a profound thinker. He often thinks about life and philosophizes about various subjects.He was an ill-tempered man who cared the least about any other person's life and plight. He was very impatient and emotionless. He was not at all compassionate towards anybody in need and paid no heed to anyone. He was a very ruthless and practical man. However, his character saw a drastic change when he too became anxious about not receiving any news from his ill daughter. He deeply felt the suffering of Ali and realised the affection a father could have for his daughter.

Answered by | 26 Feb, 2018, 12:05: PM
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