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ICSE Class 9 Answered

Dentists use concave mirrors to view teeth inside patient's mouth. Why? Represent using a ray diagram. Why not a convex mirror is used?
Asked by Topperlearning User | 08 Dec, 2013, 07:03: AM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer

Dentists use concave mirror to see enlarged image of the teeth for examining it.

If an object is placed close to a concave mirror it a forms erect and enlarged image of the object. So, the dentist holds the mirror in such a way that the tooth lies within its focus.


Convex mirror will result in virtual image which is erect but diminished than the actual size. Diminished image of the teeth will not help the dentist in identifying the tooth problem.
Answered by | 08 Dec, 2013, 09:03: AM
ICSE 9 - Physics
Asked by studyworkofficial | 18 Nov, 2021, 06:41: PM
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